Health, Safety and Environment

Kodak's commitment to environmental, health, and safety excellence complements our commitment to global sustainability.

Employee Health and Safety

Learn more about Kodak’s history of commitment to health and safety.

HSE Management System

Kodak is committed to meeting the environmental, health, and safety expectations of our neighbors. Visit our HSE Management System page to learn more about the HSE Mission and Worldwide Operations, or to view our ISO certificates.

  • HSE Mission
  • Worldwide Operations
  • ISO Certificates

Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets for chemical products and Article Information Sheets, for items such as film, paper, and equipment, contain country specific regulatory information.

Supplier Responsibility

Kodak is committed to operate in an environmentally, ethically and socially responsible manner. This commitment includes maintaining safe facilities and operations and providing goods that are safe and minimize environmental burdens throughout their life cycle. Our suppliers play a key role in this commitment.

Regulatory Shipping Information

The information displayed on the Worksheets represents the dangerous goods packaging and documentation requirements for chemical transportation mode(s) and language(s) selected. Please be aware that for a material, modes of transport may differ in their regulatory compliance requirements.

Regulatory Information on Shipping

Product Declarations

The European Chemicals regulation known as REACH was adopted in December, 2006. REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. REACH was enacted June 1, 2007 with implementation occurring in phases over an eleven-year period.

Packaging Extended Producer Responsibility in Spain

Royal Decree 1055/2022 on Packaging and Packaging Waste establishes a series of new obligations and responsibilities for all companies placing packaged goods on the market in Spain. In compliance with this decree, Kodak SA has joined a SCRAP managed by ENVALORA.

Packaging Extended Producer Responsibility in Spain

Product End of Life Management

Kodak seeks to minimize the environmental impacts of our products throughout their entire life cycle.