Conflict Minerals Policy
As part of our global program for Supplier Environmental and Social Responsibility, Kodak is committed to the ethical sourcing of minerals used in our products. Kodak strictly opposes the use of minerals revenue to fund or in any way foster ongoing conflict in conflict-affected or high risk areas and is committed to supporting efforts that address the funding and root causes of this conflict. As defined by the US SEC and EU 2017/821, Conflict Minerals are:
- Columbite-tantalite, used to produce Tantalum,
- Cassiterite, the ore used to produce Tin,
- Wolframite, the source of the element Tungsten, and
- Gold.
Kodak works diligently with our suppliers and other stakeholders to identify whether Conflict Minerals are being sourced for potential used in Kodak products. The global supply chain for these minerals is complex, and tracing the minerals in our products to their source is a challenge. Kodak’s objective is to work with its suppliers to establish the necessary proactive due-diligence programs that will enable greater long term supply chain transparency.
Kodak has an expectation that Suppliers have implemented a Conflict Minerals Due Diligence management system to determine the sources of all materials supplied to Kodak that were in supply chain on or after January 31, 2013. This management system must also reasonably assure that Kodak can identify sources of materials so that Kodak can work with suppliers to avoid any direct or indirect benefit to groups that are perpetrators of serious human rights abuses in the DRC or an adjoining country. Suppliers shall exercise due diligence on the source and chain of custody of these minerals and make their due diligence measures available to Kodak upon request.
In the event Kodak determines that a supplier’s efforts to comply with this Policy have been deficient and the supplier fails to cooperate in developing and implementing reasonable remedial steps, Kodak reserves the right to take appropriate actions up to and including discontinuing purchases from the supplier.
Eastman Kodak Company Conflict Minerals Report
For further information on Kodak’s Conflict Minerals program, please contact