For television production, time and cost are crucial. EASTMAN KEYKODE Numbers are just what you need to see happier endings in post production.
With KEYKODE numbers, and your choice of database software, you can automatically log frame indexing numbers from negatives and workprints in a fraction of the time it takes to do it manually. You can also save time and money in editing and assembly. Using KEYKODE numbers and a computer-generated cut list, you can cross-reference shots from the film or video edit to the original negatives in minutes instead of hours. And you can do it all with frame accuracy, virtually no data entry errors, plus the flexibility you need to assemble and release on video.
The bottom line? With EASTMAN KEYKODE numbers, you can complete your projects with greater efficiency. Kodak pioneered KEYKODE numbers because, when it comes to TV production, budget and deadline rule.
What are KEYKODE Numbers?
EASTMAN KEYKODE numbers are machine-readable bar codes on Eastman film stock that exactly replicate the human-readable key number. They are printed every half foot and include a reference dot that identifies the frame to which each number applies.
KEYKODE numbers, in concert with a "reader," a personal computer, and database software, make it possible to save significant amounts of time and money during postproduction.
How KEYKODE Numbers Can Save You Time and Money
Logging the Original Film
After processing, the head and tail KEYKODE number of each negative roll is logged with its associated roll number, creating a database for all subsequent editing and negative matching. Using a reader of KEYKODE numbers on the processor or the bench, KEYKODE numbers along the edge of the film are logged quickly, automatically, and accurately, with little possibility of human error. All in about 10 percent of the time required for manual entry.
Required Equipment:
A reader for KEYKODE number on the film processor or bench reader and a personal computer with your choice of database software.
Telecine Transfer
When film is transferred for video editing, film rolls can be logged automatically. KEYKODE numbers are read on the telecine and correlated with video and audio timecode (if used) during the transfer. This correlation, saved on floppy disk, enables you to shoot on film, edit in video, and match back to the camera negative for a high-quality release in any format. And it can save you days of manual data entry and error tracking during editing and negative cutting.
Required Equipment:
A reader of KEYKODE number for the telecine, film footage encoder/timecode generator, and a personal computer with the appropriate software.
Off-line Video Editing
Modern nonlinear editing systems accept KEYKODE number/timecode data files directly from a telecine if a standard database was created during transfer. If not, the editing system may accept the video timecode only. In such cases, you can work with your choice of several stand-alone software programs designed to create a video edit decision list (EDL) and produce a negative selection or cut list. Stand-alone software programs for KEYKODE numbers and timecodes provide many other useful capabilities not available with off-line editing systems.
Required Equipment:
A PC with appropriate stand-alone software (if the editing system does not provide a KEYKODE number/timecode EDL correlation).
Film Editing
KEYKODE numbers are printed directly from the camera original to the workprint. So, once your production is cut, you can log the workprint with a bench reader in about 10 percent of the time it takes to do the job manually. And there's virtually no possibility of human error.
Required Equipment:
A bench reader for KEYKODE numbers and a personal computer with appropriate software.
Negative Cut and Video Conform Lists
Using KEYKODE numbers and a database program, it's equally efficient to produce a final assembly log from a video or film edit. These cut lists tell the negative cutter where each scene is located, and in what order, on the original rolls. They are automatically organized for the least amount of negative handling. No matter what assembly method your use, KEYKODE number cut points are available instantly. The software even correlates the new timecode on a "select rolls" transfer with the original video and audio time codes. When you're ready to make a video master, the software provides a disk for on-line auto conform in any of the standard formats.
Required Equipment:
A PC with appropriate stand-alone software, if select rolls are prepared and retransferred with new time code prior to on-line auto conform. Similar software is required when working from a film edit if an on-line auto conform disk is required.