KODAK Analytical Sciences
We offer a full spectrum of analytical knowledge and capabilities to support:
- Chemical and materials characterization
- Manufacturing problem solving
- Research and development innovation
- Reverse engineering/product deformulation
- Routine analytical testing
A Record of Quality, Experience and Technical Leadership
We've demonstrated success in partnership with Kodak business, Kodak Research Laboratories, and Eastman Business Park. We are currently providing long-term analytical support to several multinational companies. Selected quality control and release testing to support manufacturing are available nights and weekends.
Selected Areas of Expertise
We specialize in interdisciplinary analytical problem solving and have expert analytical scientists with backgrounds in polymer and materials science, engineering, physics, and other scientific disciplines ready to address your materials characterization needs.
Coated Layers, Thin Films and Associated Structures
- Surface characterization
- Interfaces, depth profiling
- Micromechanical properties
- Failure analysis
- Reverse engineering
- Structure elucidation
- Purity
- Trace contamination
- Deformulation
Commercial materials identification
- Structure analysis
- Additives, residual monomer
- Molecular weight, dilute solution properties
- Degradation and stabilization
- Cure chemistries
- Thermal properties
- Melt rheology
- Optical properties
- Surfaces and interfaces
Microelectronics and MEMs
- Contamination
- Process understanding
- Device structure analysis
- Device physics and chemistry
- Particle size
- Morphology
- Crystal structure
- Particle surface coatings
- Optical properties
Reverse Engineering and Deformulation
Analytical Method Development and Equipment Selection
Abridged Listing of Our Analytical Capabilities and Instrumentation
- Capillary electrophoresis
- Contact angle
- Density measurement
- Electronic spectroscopy
- Gas chromatography, GC/MS
- Ion chromatography, IC/MS
- Liquid chromatography, UHPLC
- Mass spectrometry, LC/MS
- Micro-FTIR,
- Micro-mechanical / physical characterization
- Optical microscopy
- Particle analysis
- Polymer composition
- Profilometry
- Pyrolysis GC/MS
- Rheology
- Size exclusion chromatography
- Surface tension / energy
- Thermal analysis
- Wet chemical methods
- Bruker Contour GTX optical interferometer
- X-ray diffraction
- X-ray fluorescence
Contact Us
Contact us to get in touch with a Kodak scientist who can discuss your routine and non-routine testing needs.