
Molecular Sieve Acid Scavenger

Molecular Sieve is a promising new technology developed by Eastman Kodak Company that has the ability to retard the vinegar syndrome reaction. Simply stated, the inclusion of Molecular Sieve with processed motion picture film in a sealed container has the ability to extend the life of the dye images and film support beyond that which is currently considered normal.

Storage Information

Descriptions of storage conditions, their variations, and general considerations and comparisions; storage of raw stock, the effect of ambient background radiation on raw stock, radiation from airport x-ray equipment, and more.

Storage Room

Explanations of appropriate storage facility characteristics, including relative humidity, temperature, tropical conditions, air conditioning, dehumidification, dessication, chemical contamination, water damage, extended storage considerations, and more.

Storage and Handling of Processed Nitrate Film

Nitrate base, the pioneer of motion picture film bases, retired from our cameras and laboratories about 1951-52. Still, its very long shadow of distinguished commercial motion pictures and film records haunts many film vaults. Nitrate base films must be handled with informed care.

Handling of Processed Film

Detailed information about room cleanliness, inspection methods, film damage, emulsion deterioration, common repairs, damage evaluation, film cleaning, lubrication, and more.

Storage and Handling of Unprocessed Film

Information on maintaining film quality with refrigeration, frozen film, Newton's rings and ferrotyping, effects of humidity and contaminants, and airport x-ray fog. Technical Information Bulletin #TIB5202.

Storage and Handling of Processed Film

Discusses effects of humidity on processed film, Newton's rings and ferrotyping, effects of contaminants, extended storage (10 years or more), and airport x-ray fog. Technical Information Bulletin #TIB5203.